Potato Logo

Avoid success. At all costs.


This is the home of PotatoGameDev!

Basically I'm a giant potato making games! You can watch me do it at various times of day on my twitch, look down ↓

Twitch Channel

Most days I try to stream my game development on Twitch. It's very hard to keep the schedule when you have a day-job and a kid, so be mindful and if you want to watch me - better follow my channel for notifications. Currently I'm making RedBlu, a game about peace, read below ↓



My current project in Unity 3D. RedBlu is a peace game. You have to bring peace to the war-torn country of Blu, which has been invaded by a neighbor country of Red

Twitch Short with Running Pacifist Soldiers Join the discord channel, read below ↓


On my discord you can discuss gamedev, my or your projects or post funny jokes. If you have some gamedev problems you want to discuss - write there, maybe I'll be able to help? I'm mainly good at Unity 3D, look ↓ to check out previous projects!

Join Potato Discord!

Extreme commuting!

It's a game about driving to work. Basically you get rewarded by crashing. Just go and try for yourself, it's free!

Extreme Commuting game trailer

I started this project in GameMaker Studio, but because of reasons I had to switch to Unity 3d and REMAKE the whole game. You can view the full "making of" story of this game on my old YouTube channel: PixelHeart Software on YouTube

Private life

I'm a Java Software Developer based in Poland, a country in Eastern Europe (Painkiller, The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077, Lords of the Fallen - all Polish games). I spent 12 years making business applications in Java. I am almost totally hollow. After hours I make games to regain humanity. See my corpo profile:

Hide-the-pain Peter